You think you have what it takes to take on the [BOSTON] 2019 Meet Your Army Challenge?

Show us your skills by cracking the challenges below. Each challenge will produce part of a flag.
Collect all 5 parts to solve the challenge and earn the title m45t3rH4cK3r.
All flags will be in the following format "BOSTON_MYA[example_flag]"

Be the first to solve all of the challenges, come back, and earn a prize.

[very-easy] [b4s1c_w3b]
[easy] [l00k1n6_4t_p1cTuR3s]
[medium] [g01ng_d33p3r]
[hard-ish] [seiranib_gnisrever]
[very-hard] [0p3n_s0rc3_1nt3l]